miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

a picture of me

visit these websites

I would like to visit these Web sites are those which release the music I hear, they are indicated as this music I identified at least 70% of the music you may find there

one of the most momentous things in my life

certainly what has struck me and maybe changed my way was the death of my mother when I was 6 years old, this has completely changed the life of my sister, my father and mine and think it is "theunforgettable event of my life "

My future

pretendendo future be a music producer and beatmaker, also want to raise a family and live in the 5th region of Chile, I want to lead a prosperous life spending my time on people who really deserve to have my love

My friends

I have 3 best friends that I have much love them and want to be seen with their nose are dedicated to creating rap music and why we spend time together

.                                                                     Daniel (worman)          

.                                                                  Sebastian (Bogar)

.                                                                    Elvis (Paisa)

My favorite clothes

I love the baggy clothes to estylo rapper

My favorite song

My favorite song is called Kirin, which is sung by Tego Calderon and Don Omar. I like that spread good vibes with good rhythm and melody